Sunday, July 25, 2010

Jimmy Cliff at the Oregon Zoo

This was my first zoo summer concert. e(( ) As you can see in the pictures there were thousands of people there. I got there right on time just to not early enough to really find a good spot to see. For 24 dollars a ticket I wish that they would have had two beer and wine lines so that people wouldn't have to stand in line for 30 min and miss most of the show. The musicians were awesome crowd, was cool despite the numbers. There was one security guard or security personel that was just on a roll you almost couldn't walk fast enough out of the walk way and behind the red line.
Crowed part on

toward the front

Jimmy Cliff

Not only does Jimmy Cliff have an amazing talent but so does his whole crew. I really like how every member exited on his or her own solo and recognition.
Over all I love the Oregon Zoo have been a member for a few years and cant wait to attend another concert here in the future.

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